Open Workshops LinkedIn

From how to create a "100% complete" profile to LinkedIn's uses in networking, gaining clients and building relationships. There will be a photo booth for ensuring you have a high quality portrait for your profile or bring your own. Using your laptop or one provided you will be able to put the ideas and techniques into practice as the workshop progresses.

Hands on

The course will be hands on, bring your own laptop or we can provide one on the day. At the end of the course you won't just have heard about . . . but done it, so you won't have to struggle to find the time later to do all that you learnt.

Business focussed

Ian O'Donnell, has over 15 years' experience in running businesses and the LinkedIn course will focus on practical business benefits to help grow your bottom line.

Stay on for extra benefit

The course contains three hours of hands on learning from 9:30am - 12:30pm but you can stay in the workshop for the afternoon, continuing to put into practice what you've learnt and a chance to share and network with the other delegates.

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